Thursday, January 3, 2013

What are monthly impressions

Many of you do not understand what are monthly impressions and why they are used. This is why I will explain very simple, with examples.
Cost per mille = Impressions cost

Monthly Impressions represents another way of counting traffic on a website: this is often used in advertising network. This mean that a Marketer will pay for a thousand views of an element (ex: picture, commercial, a.o.), which is known as CPM = cost per mille.

Now an example:
- you have 5 commercials on every page of your website
- you have 10k Page Views per month
Monthly Impressions = Commercials x Page Views = 50 000 monthly impressions

Now if you want to sell ads, you will know how to say how many Monthly Impressions you have.
Also if you are a Marketer you will know that the number of Impressions is not so important as looks.Much important is Page Views number.

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